Today I've been binging on Internet trolls.
That's the funny thing, they are hilarious to read about when there is nothing better to do. But you never want anyone to know you're someone who knows about it.
Potatoes have offered me quite a lot in the form of entertainment over the years. Lulz were had, friends were met, tears of joy, friendship and the occasional heartbreak were shed. It's a magical stomping ground of retardation meets intellectualism, with colour pictures! Anyone can join in the fun, even those who break Rule 33, so long as they keep personal details to themselves.
Oddly enough, I have a lot of friends with whom I've bonded over odd memes and trolling with since my Internet debut as a child. They didn't mind my lurking the pages so long as I wasn't trumpeting it online or expecting special treatment. Being part of a pound of Potatoes just means you can vent all those stupid thoughts you have in your head that you know would not be kosher to share with the world with your name attached. It's ironic in how like a religious group they can be with how many of them loathe those organizations. Their psychosis would be so much fun to study, accepting you'd have to do it without giving away your betrayal and it being complete Internet suicide if said betrayal were to be known.
For how much trouble they cause, I have to say I really enjoy Potatoes. It's just a collection of what is really running through people's heads, what they really think about something, what they're really into. The ability of being able to be who you are to your fullest is found in so few realms, one can understand why it can get a little out of hand.
Since the rising of Potatoes, there has been an adaptation of it that's for even the completely computer illiterate man known as Craigslist. This website has a plethora of creepy and bizarre gems with which to entertain oneself. Half the fun comes from discerning if that person really is bat shit crazy, or if they're just a bored troll proing it up. It's a website where you could actually get something done, or you can 'wtfroflwaffle' all day at the disturbing yet hilarious postings people put up. It's like Post Secret, minus all the artsy stuff and plus wanting to bone anyone ballsy enough to reply.
There isn't really a point to this post other than amusing myself and musing about silly things. Other than sharing my belief that the Internet is a fickle beast ... With tentacles, an affinity for rape, and absolutely no repercussions so long as it is being discreet.