27 February, 2013

Random Omegle Trolling 5

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey aasl
You: Are you drunk?
Stranger: no finger hit twice by accident
You: Legitimate excuse, then.
Stranger: lol asl
You: You first.
Stranger: 16 m canada hbu
You: You're young.
You: 23 f usa
Stranger: lol i can be older if u want
You: You can be?
Stranger: sure i could lie and say im 20 if u want
You: I feel like we're starting this relationship on a foundation of lies and mistrust.
You: How can I ever feel safe leaving you alone in a room with another woman?
Stranger: lol im only kidding im actually 16 and im not drinking
You: You're so willing to lie to me.
You: My heart hurts.
You: My eyes are watering.
You: How could you do this to me?
You: I thought we had something special.
You: A bond of trust and, dare I say it, love.
Stranger: lol who needs another women when u have a sense a humour
You: A deep connection, between two people of semi-similiar geographic ancestry.
Stranger: lol so whats up
You: Well shit, you're a spoil sport.
Stranger: lol
You: I need intrigue, drama, suspense.
You: That's what we women have to feed our vaginas.
You: Otherwise they turn on us and consume us from the inside.
You: Semen is also an acceptable placebo.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: ey
Stranger: hey*
You: 'Eeeeeeeeeey!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.