Decided to scrap this since it would probably be a bit too weird for my class. And I wasn't exactly sure where I was going with it. Best part was making Lenox sexy n'stuff. Here's lookin' at you, boo. ;) (Plus it was too long, and probably boring.)
Oh, and teen drinking is bad. It gets you killed n'stuff.Sweat rolled down the contours of his chest like a river, as if water alone could sculpt ripped pectoral and abdominal muscles. The boy, cum man, sought to cool his burning core by dousing his brow with a bottle of water, shaking the excess droplets with a flick of his head.
Emma licked her lips and stifled a sigh as she surreptitiously watched with her best friend Jenna; neither could deny pleasure in the spectacle Lenox was making of himself. A pinch from the fourth member of their group, Oliver, brought the girls' attention back to the collapsible tent they had been attempting to piece together for the greater part of an hour.
“Not that I don't love watching all three of you make fools of yourselves, I'd like to put a mesh barrier between myself and this, “ he paused to swat a mosquito lit upon his calf, his glass green optics narrow with irritation, “plague of flying pestilence as soon as possible!”
Rolling her eyes, Emma returned to the task; the trio managing to construct some semblance of a solid structure as Lenox continued tiding the rest of the camp sans shirt in a fantastically sexy, and manly, manner.
As the sun lolled across the sky, the four friends frolicked around their lakeside campsite. Lenox and Oliver performed crazed acrobatics from a rudimentary rope swing, while Emma and Jenna lazed like lizards on rocks along the shore, shrieking in mock rage when sprinkles of cool water displaced by large splashes touched their bronzed skin.
Soon the day began transitioning to night, causing the youths to huddle around a small fire and boombox with marshmallows in hand. Happy and carefree, they broke into a few alcoholic beverages as well as a few impromptu drunken sing-a-longs.
Blissful, and ignorant, was the group of an uninvited fifth member. Nibbling on her nails, Nancy stared intently from her crouched position behind some nearby bushes. Oh!, how she longed to be friends with the youths, yet never had the courage to approach them.
Many times had she laid eyes upon them during their clandestine adventures in this very camping spot, the first merely by happenstance as she was on one of her lonesome hikes through the wooded pathways. She had only planned to check on their well being, having mistaken raised voices as calls for help rather than innocent play between friends.
Once she began watching, it was impossible to stop; she became a woman obsessed. She told herself it was merely a desire to be friends with them, but knew they would feel uncomfortable spending time with an older woman such as herself. If only they would give her a chance, they would most certainly adore her. After watching them for so long, she knew things about the young adults that they didn't even seem to recognize amongst themselves and constantly craved to learn more.
Emma, with her shining brown curls, honeyed eyes, and upturned nose was obviously head over heels for the sarcastic Oliver. He in turn assumed she had her heart set on Lenox and used his cold wit to protect himself from losing himself in the perfume of her shampoo he liked to inhale whenever he thought no one was watching.
Jenna and Lenox were like animals in heat, Nancy saw this from watching their interaction, but had also seen evidence of it during a few visits to the site of only the two looking for time alone. She also had caught Lenox eying Oliver when others were preoccupied, but with an expression of conflict and occasionally anger.
Unaware of their secret admirer, Jenna proposed a toast after tapping her wine cooler with her marshmallow roasting stick, “Ahem! To the successful completion of our Senior year, and having to never return to that hell hole ever again!”
“Here, here!” shouted Lenox as they clashed their drinks together over the fire, the jostling causing Emma to drop her beer and smother the poorly produced flames.
“Dammit, Emma, you had to ruin a good moment with your butter fingers!” mocked Oliver as the girl crossed her arms and pouted her lips in protest. “It was a fresh can, the condensation caused it to slip through my fingers when you smacked my hand with your hams for fists!”
“Oh shut up and go gather some more kindling,” Lenox admonished, glaring through the thick darkness in their general direction, “both of you!” He thrust a flashlight into Oliver's chest, using a bit more vigor than necessary.
“Whatever. Come on.” mumbled the boy as he pulled a protesting Emma by her arm toward the treeline. The bull headed girl dug in her heels until he lightened his hold, then proceeded after him at her own pace, shuffling a bit quicker to catch up to him as they neared the trees, a wary expression on her face.
Watching the two cross into the trees, Jenna leaned her body into Lenox so she could see into his eyes standing out against the darkness of the night and his skin, a mischievous smile as her hands moved down his stomach, speaking in volumes above her words, “You didn't have to be so harsh, but I do love it when you take control of a situation ...” He wrapped a strong arm around her waist and picked her up with a growl, moving to the treeline opposite their compatriots.
Nancy witnessed the scene unfold, chewing more furiously at her cuticles, a possible new dimension of their would-be friendship beginning to turn the cogs of her brain. She knew what she wanted to do could be dangerous, it could ruin their friendship before it could even start; she had to be careful. The night pressed in on her as she hyperventilated at the presumption of her consumptive thoughts. She could finally reveal herself to her friends as well as bring together Emma and Oliver! How could they hate her when she has shown them true love?
The plan was simple, she could still hear the two squabbling as they searched for dry wood and knew the other couple would be indisposed for the time being. Moving silently, she crept closer to the escalating argument, deciding she would head off sweet Emma first.
“Why do you always have to be so damn persnickety with me?” demanded the girl as she stopped moving to emphasize her conviction, her eyes burrowing into Oliver's back as he demurely ignored her and continue collecting sticks. “Answer me, you son of a bitch!”
Muscles froze as the boy erected himself, sticks forgotten on the ground as Emma fumbled over her words, “I … I d-didn't mean it like that, n-not about your … M-mother, Oliver ... I-I'm sorry ...” He didn't turn to face the girl, his body stiff as he moved away at a pace he knew she would not be able to keep up with. Cheeks flushed with embarrassment, she didn't press to follow him, standing awkwardly in the oppressing silence of the wood until the moment passed into a realization of how alone she was.
Panic quickly set in, accompanied with an odd sensation of being watched which she attempted to shrug off in futile. “Ol-Oliver?” she half whispered, suffocated by the sheet of darkness that enveloped her. Emma's eyes darted around, wanting to pierce through the fabric of night in vain, the drive to ease her discomfort finally coaxing her legs to move in the recalled direction of camp.
“Oliver, where are yooooooooooou?” her nervous whisper morphed into a stifled yell as Nancy struck from behind, knocking the girl out with a swift crack to the head and carefully dragging her limp body into the brush.