Figurative Language: Personification
A. 1. The flames mocked the rescue workers. All attempts by the hot, sweaty, muscular Firemen did nothing to quell the flames as they burned the house inside out, licking through the windows as if to mock them like a school yard bully in their failure.
2. The sun tiptoed into my dream. I left the damn blinds open and have an eastern facing window, therefore I was awoken by the sunlight on my face from a really awesome dream. You were in it, and you weren't wearing much. Just kidding, that would be weird to tell you that. Pretend that didn't happen. It was totally about flying and normal weird dream stuff like that. I promise.
3. The engine groaned as we drove away. My car needs an oil change, but I'm too lazy to wait an hour for the oil to drain and then figure out the proper way of disposing of the fluids. It sounds much more poetic when groaning is involved.
B. Create examples of Personification using these nouns.(nonliving) bus, pineapple, sunset, volcano. (traits) artist, chef, mule, soldier, waiter
4. One could say after the accident, the bus was merely putting a Picassan influence on the riders inside.
5. "Who's dormant now?" demanded the volcano as it rained firey death upon the innocent inhabitants of the small Italian community.
6. The pineapple sat there in stubborn silence, refusing to allow the sponge admittance.
7. The sunset finally got my order right, a soft medley of reds and purples with a hint of stratus clouds for visual effect.
this helped with my homework! thanks:)