11 December, 2011

English, 112 (Tomulin Essay: eSports)

Tomulin style approach to the ever debated "Is it, or is it not?" for competitive gaming. 
Another piece written while lacking in sleep, with a little filler added to reach a length requirement.

What Makes a Sport?

Heavy breathing, fingers clenched, heart racing; you're on the edge of your seat, afraid to blink and miss even a second. Tension breaks as the match completes, a crescendo of sound erupting from the audience as bodies launch to their feet and cheer the victor. Maxed capacity, the room quakes under the energy of the crowd as the winner exits his sound poof cocoon to strut across the stage and shake hands with his former foe. In the splendour of such a moment, none present could fathom someone discounting their competition as a true sport, yet there are many who would contest such a claim. Competitive video games are often discounted by those who do not understand them. Professional players push themselves past the breaking point physically and mentally, practicing multitasking skills and strategies to be the best in their craft. One Real Time Strategy [RTS] game, Starcraft II, has emerged above the rest as the flagship game to represent what many are calling eSports. By definition, StarCraft II is a sport because it is an athletic activity, which requires mental, emotional, and physical dexterity at a highly competitive level.

The topic of what makes an activity a sport versus a game is a well worn argument. The English language is continuously evolving, semantics of a word change with common usage to become gradually accepted by the general public. Most current definitions of the word “sport” require the same basic mechanics; physical activity, usage of skill, a set of rules, and a competitive nature. Many emphasize the importance of the physical activity as a staple of sport, although modern society as a whole has evolved to a point less emphasizing the pure muscle strength of the individual. Contests such as billiards, car racing, and video games focus more on specific skills of the individual player. Each game has its own form of endurance involved to be able to win; in Starcraft players sit for hours at a time playing endless games and studying their opponents. Contrary to conventional views, the physical, mental, and emotional drain on a player is immense. Albeit not moving much in comparison, a professional gamer's heart rate can race up to 160 beats per minute, keeping pace with a basketball player on the court (PBS). Many of the teams have mandatory exercise periods to help stay in peak physical condition to play to their best and help prevent career killing injuries such as carpal tunnel. Just as with more conventional sports, players dedicate their entire lives to the game with full days of practice and studying strategies. They train their body and mind with only victory in sight, often to the point of exhaustion. Jonathan “Jinro” Walsh, a professional Swedish progamer living in Korea describes preparing for an important match; “I practiced every hour I didn’t eat, shower or slept during the GSL,” Walsh said. “One day could start at 2 pm and end at 7 am and when I played the most I only had was a few hours over to eat and for shorter breaks. (dantranimal)” Although the 2008 Summer Olympics did not pick up Warcraft III, another RTS game, as a demonstration sport, they did select two progamer athletes as torch bearers on the way to Beijing (Blocksom).

An important aspect of a sport is how it engages with those who watch it. Entire stadiums have been filled by spectators hoping to see their favourite titans clash in battle for thousands of dollars and recognition. South Korea is the current hotbed for eSporting events, the second most watched sports genre under only Soccer (KeSA). The largest live event in Korea had 120,000 live spectators gathered at Kwang-An-Li beach in Busan to watch Starcraft, beating even the 2011 Super Bowl (KeSA). The passion and fervent excitement demonstrated by Korean fans is slowly infecting the rest of the world as leagues expand in other countries. Major League Gaming [MLG] recently held their National Championships in Providence, Rhode Island drawing in over 241,000 unique viewers online from over 175 different countries, surpassing top cable networks during competing broadcasting time slots (MLG). Their peak live spectator event in Anaheim, California had over 20,000 in attendance, many traveling from all across the world just to potentially meet and cheer on top progamers (MLG).

Big time eSports leagues such as MLG, North American Star League [NASL], and the Korean organization GOM all stream their matches online with live commentary with a popular viewer subscription programme of typically about US10$/month. Spectators can choose to watch the matches in the lowest quality setting for free, but many opt to pay the fee for better resolution and to join in with chat conversations. Much of Starcraft is about entertaining their audience via personalities; players interact with fans, celebrate victories and actively participate in the online community. Progamers may stream their practise matches online to thousands of viewers daily, the bigger personalities often being able to make more by streaming daily than most salaries (Destiny). Esports also accesses a demographic which is typically difficult for marketers to reach, males ages 18-24, which attracts many sponsors to support players and tournaments (MLG). Where there is money, there is support to help the sport grow past just being Korea's national pastime and spread across the world.

Some dissenters claim that it is too easy to reach a professional level as a progamer, that all one has to do is put in the hours to be on the same tier as top players. There is a bit more of a level playing field since physical ability is less of a factor. Anyone can train themselves to be decent at the game, typical barriers such as gender differences or motor capacity do not come into play. Aptitude and dedication are the essentials in a equation for success. Just as in regular sports, muscle memory and learning the game to the point where it becomes instinctual is the key to winning. When playing Starcraft, a player must focus on collecting resources to build his army via structures and upgrades, as well as keeping an eye on his enemy. Ultimately, you must defeat your enemy by dominating control of the map and using the army you've amassed against his. Multitasking, decision making, strategy, and muscle memory are all heavily relied upon for victory. Some progamers can reach up to 370 actions per mintue [APM] with their keyboard and mouse, while casual players usually peak around 100 APM (National). In an effort to find the reason why professional players excelled above amateurs who are also dedicated, Korean doctors scanned the cognitive processes of a professional and an amateur players' brains after playing a match. Seo Ji Hoon, the professional player, had the most activity in his frontal lobe and limbic area, showing that his actions were based on assessing the play field and reacting using instinctive strategy unlike the amateur player who focused on consciously deciding what course of action to take (National). Mark Blair, a cognitive scientist at Simon Fraser University recently began a study analyzing the learning patterns and division of focus mastered by Starcraft enthusiasts in hopes of applying their multitasking mastery skills to the general populace outside of the game (Scientific).

Sensationalism and a sense of imminent danger is one method of selling a sport. There is obviously no real potential threat on a player's life or immediate health when engaging in electronic competition, but that isn't something to belittle. Claiming that the primary incentive for viewership is violence gives a negative impression of any sport as well as the fans and isn't a solid ground to base an argument. As with any new sport, the basic concept can be easily grasped while watching; more in depth intricacies are learned from continuing to watch, speaking with friends, or from listening to commentary. No matter the sport, a neophyte will not has as strong of a relationship with the mechanics as a seasoned veteran. Small nuances about the metagame and leveled aspects of play enhance the game for both players and spectators. A true sport can branch across language barriers and bring a community together over their shared interest, something Starcraft accomplishes well. Anyone with a computer and internet connection can play, watch, and participate in the community to connect with like minded individuals all over the world.

Semantics and definitions can be constantly debated and reevaluated to uplift or discount the validity of the dedication people have for eSports. The true spirit of sport and competition is to bring people together in friendly rivalry who come away from the experience with a feeling of self worth and camaraderie. Any participant in the Starcraft community, be they a player, spectator, caster, or merely support it can vouch for the worth of being brought together by this shared passion.

Works Cited Page
MLG. “MLG Delivers the Largest Season in eSports History.” Major League Gaming. Major League Gaming. 6 Dec 2011. Web. 6 Dec 2011.
Upson, Sandra. “How a Computer Game is Reinventing the Science of Expertise.” American Scientific. 1 Dec 2011. Web. 6 Dec 2011.
Blocksom, Jimmy. “Sky & Moon to Carry the Olympic Torch!” Gosu Gamers. 3 years ago. Web. 6 Dec 2011.
PBS. “Korean eSports.” Frontline. 2 Feb 2010. Web. 6 Dec 2011.
KeSA. “e-Sports Biz in Korea.” Korea s-Sports Association. May 2008. Web. 6 Dec 2011.
National Geographic. “Starcraft: World Cyber Games 2005.” YouTube. 4 Feb 2010. Web. 6 Dec 2011.
dantranimal. “Why e-Sports Will Rival Traditional Sports.” dantranimal. 30 Dec 2010. Web. 6 Dec 2011.
Destiny. 'What do the pros earn and how?” Team Liquid. 4 May 2011. Web. 6 Dec 2011.

04 December, 2011

English, 112 (Sexism in Print Advertisments)

I was mildly delirious while writing this. 
Research made me sick of the subject and frustrated with the world, so I threw something together. 
No real feminists were consulted in the writing of this rubbish.

This is about the Man, and how He's always trying to keep us Goddesses in our place with these stereotypical ads shoved down our throat. Everywhere you look, there is a Woman dressed like a china doll with Her face made up to perfection, a impossibly short dress barely covering Her sacred flower, and some awful Man-made pair of torture on Her feet. She's lusting after some gem, or some appliance, or some piece of chocolate. Lord forbid She could be someone practical. Improbable; She was born with a vagina and is the sole reason miserable Men are in existence. Here are just a few examples of the abuse of Man on Womankind that I'm sick and tired of putting up with.
Because women aren't well versed in manipulating knobs.

First is the over used and abused bimbo routine. In His effort to demoralise Us, they constantly skew our soft femininity as some equivalent to intellectual inferiority. This ad focuses on Her lost expression and Her lip bite is a subtle commentary on how a Man doesn't want to listen to His woman to speak, just look pretty for Him to look at. Offensive and outrageous insinuations such as this set Women up as objects to be mocked and ridiculed as if they are so below a Man they can't even drive properly.
Well, when you put it that way ...
More insulting undertones about how Women are merely materialistic and only want a Man who can take care of them with His money. I am here to say that this Goddess' legs are crossed no matter how many shiny baubles are thrown at me. I am not your tawdry whore, I am a Woman of empowerment! My womb is the chalice of life and as its carrier I demand respect from the chauvinistic pigs who think they can control Me, otherwise you can keep a'steppin' Mr. Moneybags!

A real man wears fancy shoes when
he curb stomps his bitches.

There is too much wrong with this ad for Me to even form cohesive sentences, I need to go relax with some lychee green tea to collect my chakra before continuing on. First off, how does this even appeal to a buyer about shoes? “All the better to kick your face in, my dear, so get to polishing.” What sadistic sack of sad human conceived this contrived ads is beyond me, but I hope you got one of those loafers to the face.
One would think in a modern age that the Mother Goddess would be shown true respect for the Gift She gives to the world via Her body, and yet We are still besmirched by the oppressive puerile mentality of the Men around Us. Here's to empowering Ourselves to step up and protest when He tries to bring us down with immature and insulting propaganda against vaginas!

11 November, 2011

English, 112 (Rogerian Essay)

It Takes Two to Tango

Sexual preferences are often a point of contention in modern society. Personal beliefs can often taint one's ability to view a situation subjectively, no matter which side you are on. Both sides have been known to go to the extreme in support of their cause, often imposing it on others with selfish disregard. Two young gentlemen have recently been thrust into the spotlight for their choice of partner in love, being met with strong support of those who wish to not see them torn asunder by what they call unfair and homophobic actions. Others have discounted their love, claiming although it “occurs naturally in nature, [it] doesn't mean it's right”.

Buddy and Pedro have a bromance for the ages; the friends groom each other, swim together, and whisper sweet sounds of endearment. Once the intent of separating the two in order to “take advantage of their good genes by breeding them” reached public notice, negative critique came pouring in from many sources with claims of homophobia and exploitation. The pair are not the first to have the public rise in support when their life choices are threatened. A small commune of endangered couples in Germany were protected by advocates when advisers attempted to introduce females to encourage mating. Eventually, one of the couples was able to successfully raise a child, paving the way for other couples in the colony.

Typically, standing up for the rights of others is not a practise to be looked down upon; trumpeting the cause for those who cannot speak for themselves is noble and just. However, harsh criticism, such as accusing groups of homophobia, without acknowledging all the details can often blow a situation out of proportion and create an awkward situation for all involved. Buddy and Pedro enjoy each other's company, having lived their bachelorhoods together, but need to be given a chance to explore their options. Some may disagree with the methods of their elders, but often those who are outside the issue are lacking in details to provide a proper opinion.

Conventional wisdom says to stand up for what you believe in, no matter what the cost. Amidst such excitement, group mentality can focus on specific issues instead of the big picture. Jumping to conclusions can lead to confusion and turn a slightly awkward situation into an international issue other groups can use as a springboard. The best method of action would be to assess the situation completely before rushing in and accusing those involved.

In the tale of Buddy and Pedro, bachelor African penguins of the Toronto Zoo, the ending is a happy one. They are still allowed to spend time together, merely being separated to hopefully help continue their species with some lucky ladies. Those who reviewed the entire situation would see that no one was trying to split up the two, and that “they will be allowed to renew their relationship” after helping rejuvenate their species. Hopefully this will serve as a lesson in exploring all aspects of an issue before making a snap judgment.

19 October, 2011

Late Night Revelations

I like who I am.

It's when I am in situations outside my control that I get nervous. I think that is pretty normal.

No one likes being rejected or failing. I've just noticed recently that it has kind of held me back. I think I've just kind of lost myself since I don't really have a direction to begin with.

It's like being afraid to pick a path when you don't know where you are or where you're going. Once you pick, there is no turning back and you can enjoy the walk, but that point of indecision can mean anything and nothing at the same time. You have no idea what the meaning could be, where it could take you, and if you'll have to do it again soon or forever wander in that direction.

Just have to get the confidence to take those first steps.

05 October, 2011

Some Random Crafts

Here are a few rather unremarkable things.

That hat was ridiculously hard to make. :/

04 October, 2011

Charger Plate Demo

Glitter paint, ink-resist paper, distress ink.
Seems someone bought the Saturn one already, my heart has been broken. T_T

03 October, 2011

Colour Theory, 115 (Gouache Paintings)

I'm very new at this whole painting thing. >_>
Hue Contrast Study
Complementary Colour Study

20 September, 2011

SG Level Design, 174 ("YourNameHere" Story)

Basic level created using the Knytt Stories level editor. I don't know how to use any of the coding or snazzy stuff as seen in the video linked below, but I think it looks pretty. :)

(So you have an idea of what one can create with Knytt. Make sure you watch part 2 as well.)

Here's a link to download the game. Download my level here. Decompress, then drop the entire folder under "Worlds" in the Knytt Stories folder.

The executable will have the level available to play.

Feel free to leave feedback. :)

16 September, 2011

Grandparents' Day Cards

Demo cards for "Grandparents' Day" cards. Didn't even know it existed. Decided to design them as if a little kid had drawn them. :)

"Jake" is my younger brother. ^_^

Two hours in, boredom descended.

League of Legends related inside joke. >_>

Tin roof .... Rusted!

Based on the the description of Dubstep by a friend of mine.

15 September, 2011

K-pop Youtube Playlist

For Kyle (and anyone else):

14 September, 2011

Portal Drawings

Off the top of my head little drawings during a demo at work sometime this summer.

I think this every damn time.

13 September, 2011

Hulk vs. Bees

Eric and Philip debated:

Based on how the Hulk generally works, he wouldn't give up (nor calm down) and neither would the bees. It would become a stalemate since the bees would not be able to penetrate his skin with their stingers. Some have hypothesized this as the destruction of the planet with the assumption of a never ending population of bees. Since there is a limit to how many exist on Earth, the match goes by default to the Hulk.

A story arc of The Incredible Hulk (#364-367) featuring Bruce Banner being poisoned by an enemy and only by becoming the Hulk did he survive via his regenerative abilities. If the bees were to ambush Banner and inject enough poison before he became the Hulk, they could hypothetically win with the technicality of defeating Bruce Banner and not the Hulk.

Therefore, the Hulk still wins in the end. :)

12 September, 2011

Not Sure if Srs: "Drug Abuse of Ravers Education"

I refuse to give this troll writer hits, so here is an funny article on Dubstep and all the evil it promotes:

"“Dubstepping” is a dangerous new form of dance music that has turned into an occult. While there are many things to blame for bad behavior in adolescence (television, homosexual friendly laws, perverse product marketing), consistently we find the two most dangerous things are video games and music.

Perhaps it is the sporadic, random nature of the teenaged mind that makes kids so impressionable and under the influence of all these Satanic video games and musical stylings. But what happens when dangerous music and video games culminate in one big destructive item of destruction?

The people behind Dubstep music are the same neon punk-haired ravers that tormented America during her sterling Reagan years. While Nancy Reagan and many other first ladies have done their best to combat the drugs spread by ravers, named through a program called D.A.R.E (Drug Abuse of Ravers* Education), the effects of raves and drugs were obvious during the 1980s. AIDS/HIV made its first apperance: it is no coincidence that wild raves were hitting their peak during this time.

Pregnancy rates increased and teen graduation rates decreased. America hit an economic recession. Does all of this seem very similar to what’s going on today?

The reason for this is simple. Ravers are making a return and are masking their new agenda as “Dubstep”. Dubstep is very similar to trance music, where those who dance must first take hits of Happy-Pappy, a crude blend of Columbian drugs like coked ecstasy and LSD, and then do Satantic wiggling motions on a dance floor area with other drug-loving afficianados. Their bodies are always sweaty, a telling sign they’ve done the drugs, and their eyes glint with squinted violence. One of the first examples of this new ‘dubstep’ dancing was seen in the final dance sequence of dubstep culture movie Napolean Dynomite.

So taking this crazy, evil drugged-up dance culture and mixing it with video game violence that is so prevalent is sure to make it addictive to naive college children. Sadly, it’s already happening and a new video game called Dubstep Guns, an explosive plasma release of video game violence, drugs and neon Matrix theatrics is set to release a glimmer upon the teenage mind in late 2012. This video game must be the most dangerous to be released in history.

* When raving naturally went out of style during the mid 1990s, Ravers was changed to Resistance to reflect a more broad war against drugs and especially against newer drug-spreading threats from Mexico and prowling urban blacks."

(In case you really want to feed her, Source)

08 September, 2011

More Pumpkin Crafting

Oliver and Sir Cuddlesworth.

Rosie from The Jetsons.

The Count from Sesame Street.

2 hours+ each.
Craft pumpkins, craft foam sheets, wooden pegs, craft boas, pipe cleaners, pom poms, bit of carving, and lots of paint!

(Yes, his ears are super lopsided. >_<)

07 September, 2011

Pencil Drawings

First Still Life for SGD-117 Art for Games.

Second Still Life for SGD-117 Art for Games.

Some scared Bananas in Pajamas,
potential sketch for DES-115 Colour Theory.

Not bad for my first real drawing attempts. :)

06 September, 2011

Mario Wiggler Pumpkin

Two hours+ of work.

Fake pumpkin, Styrofoam balls, pipe cleaners, a wooden dowel, lots of paint, and a flower. :)


27 July, 2011

Humble Indie Bundle 3.0

I made a post about the previous Humble Bundle and the awesome things they're doing for charity. The boys are bringing it around again with five new indie titles as incentive for your hard earned cash.

Since Humble Bundle have started their endeavor, they have raised over one million dollars to help Child's Play make children smile! This little bundle of joy would be a great way to unwind after an intense session of hardcore gaming while earning yourself a bit of good karma.

22 July, 2011

Random Omegle Trolling 1

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.

You: Wow, Ryan, is that you?
Stranger: yepp
You: Fuck yeah. Dude, I've been trying to find you since that first night we talked for like hours.
Stranger: awesome
You: I was so heartbroken when your internet connection lagged out and I didn't get your facebook info yet.
Stranger: oh really im sorry
Stranger: that sucked
You: Funny thing about sucking, I was totally going to suck your dick.
Stranger: creep?
You: But that was like five years ago and I've had gender reassignment surgery since then.
Stranger: sick.
Stranger: your really a girl?
Stranger: boy*
You: Depends on what you like, Ryan. I kept my originals, just added some new fun parts.
Stranger: dude you've changed you nasty bitch.
You: But, you said you were down with that when we first talked!
You: You're the one who has changed!
Stranger: i was young and stupid than. now all i know is that we met on the internet
Stranger: and i dont know you.
You: Don't say that, Ryan. It breaks my heart!
Stranger: who the fuck is ryan
You: Shit, that's cool, I like chicks too.
You: Wanna fuck?
Stranger: your bi?
Stranger: WTF
Stranger: helll no
You: Why not?
You: I've got the best of all worlds, lady.
Stranger: cause im all straight
You: It's coo', I still have a dick.
You: :(

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

16 July, 2011

English, 111 (Argumentative Essay)

I hate five paragraph essays. This essay is pretty lame.


Tensions are always high in the Senate. With the well being of the Nation at stake, it is important for Senators to focus on the real issues affecting the country and use their allotted time to enact laws for the common good. With that in mind, one can see why there is such a heated debate over the controversial laws affecting the sale of incandescent light bulbs set to come into play beginning January 2012. Incandescent bulbs are to be slowly phased out for the more efficient compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). Lawmakers are very polarized when it comes to this topic for many reasons; proponents of the movement cite the energy efficiency and environmental factors, while dissenters are outraged over the possible legislative precedent being set. Although one can empathize with the worry of encroaching upon consumers' rights, this is an instance where the risk is worth the potential gain.

Light is something many seem to take for granted, a basic necessity of our modern times with a surprising price tag. Energy Star, run by the U.S. Department of Energy to research energy usage and its effects states “lighting accounts for close to 20 percent of the average home's electric bill” (Energy Star 1). CFLs may have a higher cost at initial purchase, but they last 100 times longer while using nearly 75 percent less energy for an average savings of 70 dollars (AJ). Some companies, such as Duke Energy, have embraced the initiative by offering customers vouchers for free starter packs of CFLs replacements for their homes. Otheriwse, the 700 percent price different sounds grandiose without proper data. Comparing 50 cents versus $3.50 with the compounded over time savings makes for a weak counter-argument even in a time of financial crisis.

Another advantage which cannot be ignored is the environmental impact the transition will enumerate. Incandescents use 90 percent of their power resources to produce heat, causing the temperature to rise as much as 5 degrees per hour in some rooms. CFLs burn 6 times cooler, using only 35 percent of their power to produce heat with the rest emitting light. Although CFLs currently contain a small amount of mercury, if properly recycled, the decrease in power demands actually lessens the amount of mercury emissions used by a single light source by 30% (Energy Star 1). 45 percent of US electricity comes from coal based plants, primarily in the Southeastern and Midwestern states. For areas with a high dependency on coal, switching to CFLs is proven to decrease the amount of mercury released into the environment.

Opponents of the legislation view it as an affront on a consumer's right to make their own decisions on which bulbs to use in their homes. Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) accused supporters of “always want[ing] to do something that tell[s] us how to make our lives better” (Howell). Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho) relayed “people in Idaho are just astonished that the federal government is telling them what kind of light bulb to put in their home” (Howell). Their statements come across as fear mongering as they chastise supporters by comparing the regulations to abortion issues and grossly skewing the language of the mandate into being a ban versus a progressive upgrade in technology. A more legitimate claim can be held for the concern over potential mercury difficulties and recycling protocols. Some have mentioned a discomfort with CFLs being made primarily in China, which seems biased since most manufacturing for a collection of daily use items takes places overseas.

Proper representation is an important aspect of the political system. Compact fluorescent lamps are a financially viable method of conserving non-renewable resources as well as cut down on pollution. Some view the transition as a threat against consumer rights, but the actual language of the legislation is outlined as a process to weed out out dated and wasteful alternatives via guidelines and regulations. Luckily, the brave elect are around to spend the time and effort to review important issues such as motions that were signed into law back in 2008 to protect the American right and way of life. God bless America.

15 July, 2011

Art for Games, 117 (Final)

Just the picture, the character development stuff was pretty boring.

14 July, 2011

Intro to SGD, 111 (Google Sketch Up 2)

"Recreate the image to the best of your abilities."

13 July, 2011