How did you get into Halo and the competitive aspects of the game?
Siao: I was introduced to Halo 2 from my younger cousin. I had to choose between a PlayStation and an Xbox at the time, and I went with the PlayStation. During my sophomore year in college, my friend Brian purchased Halo 3 and I was immediately hooked from the start.
Halo 3 is when you really got into the competitive spirit. When was your first introduction to MLG?
Siao: I had heard about MLG sometime in 2007, when USA used to replay the recent MLG Halo 2 events. It wasn't until February of 2008 that I realized MLG had its own website. When I had watched the rebroadcast of Meadowlands '08, I was overwhelmed with the sheer competitive nature that the game had brought. After that, I wanted to get involved with MLG immediately. I've always been competitive, and I love video games. The perfect combination was made.
Taken from |
Siao: My first event was Meadowlands '09. My local at the time Jimmy had decided to purchase a team pass for the event. Thursday before the event, he gave me a call and asked if I would want to drive to Meadowlands. Immediately, I said yes. So, my teammates for the event were Jimmy Dic, Monster (not the Halo pro) and I honestly forget the 4th. During our drive, we tried to go over strategies, but honestly it wasn't going anywhere. We were just going to go into it for some fun and try our hearts out. We end up with the last seed, 256th. We lost WBR1 pretty quickly. The only thing that was helping us was Tim (Adrenaline) secretly coaching us during the series. When LBR1 arrived, Monster is nowhere to be found. We were then forced to play 3V4, and shortly get knocked out LBR1.
They actually let you play a man down? You poor souls.
Siao: We said "sure why not?" Funny thing is I actually put up a positive figure after the game. I was angry afterward, but I got over it fairly quickly.
Good on you, best not to dwell. Have you been to any events since?
Siao: I recently attended MLG D.C. where I placed 6th in the Halo Reach 4v4 with my team at the time Upset City (Trii, Platnium, Reborn) . I also attended MLG Dallas with Gametime (Trii, BIGGS, Hierarch) where we placed a disappointing top 32 (7th round Losers).
Are you planning on attending events this season? Any teammates lined up?
Siao: I plan on attending the 2011 opener in Dallas coming up in a few weeks, but at this point I am a Free Agent. I have been running with a lot of possible teams, nothing finalized at this point.
Taken from Taylor Calder. |
Siao: I loved Halo 3, it was basically my first Halo game I took seriously. The transition has had its ups and downs. At first I wanted to sell the game immediately, because Matchmaking was a complete bore! After MLG got their hands on it, I quickly took time to learn the mechanics of the maps and game types. Now, I enjoy the game a lot. A ranking system wouldn't hurt too much though :)
What are your play settings? Your favorite game type and weapon of choice?
Siao: I play on Sens 5, Bumper Jumper, No Vibe. My favorite gametype would have to be Zealot Slayer, and I obviously love the Reach Sniper. Very easy to use.
You have a pretty original gamertag. What's the origin?
Siao: A lot of people ask me about this. My friend and former teammate Kirk was thinking of new gamertags and came up with, Siao. It is supposed to mean "crazy and unpredictable," that's how I've tried to base my play style off of.
Who is your favorite pro?
Siao: Lately, it would have to be Flamesword. He has a great outlook on the game and life in general. Very solid player, and a very good head on his shoulders.
Well, since my wellspring seems dried up, let's fall to the default adieu. Any shout-outs you'd like to give?
Siao: Shout out to all of the women involved with PartyBomb, you're all amazing! The PA thread and all of my friends, family and past teammates.
Thanks for taking the time to chat with me today, and for offering all the ladies here at Partybomb the steak dinner we've been promised since Halo 3.
Don't forget to check out Siao on Twitter!
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