Reasoning and method of exchange have changed and developed through necessity over history. In the ancient world, it began with reciprocity. There are three kinds of reciprocity; generalized, balanced and negative. Generalized reciprocity is the act of giving something without an expectation of something in return, such as when a parent takes care of a child knowing the child will not be able to return the favour for an extended period of time. Balanced reciprocity is an exchange with an expected return of equal value. An example of this would be most gift giving occasions, where gifts are exchanged with an assumed balance of value between gift givers. Negative reciprocity happens when at least one participant of the exchange hopes to get something for nothing. Examples of this range from bargaining to theft.
As civilization developed, new methods of exchange were also developed. As organised leadership came to power, they acquired the ability to collect goods from all members of the group to then reallocate them to the group so all may have access to the things they need. Socialism relies heavily on this concept, using taxes collected from the group to fund services for all, including those who could not have afforded them with their own income.
The most recent mode of exchange is market exchange. Market exchange has multiple buyers and sellers, competing with each other to get the best deal. A small scale example would be a bazaar. All of these modes are still part of the world today.
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